Welcome to our young parishioners!
We welcome our children to be dismissed from Sunday Mass for the Liturgy of the Word for Children. The general age for the children who attend is 4 to 10 years old. Parents may join their children.
Children are called forward following the Collect Prayer at the beginning of the Mass. They are led to their special prayer space and celebrate the Liturgy of the Word including: First Reading, Psalm, (Second Reading), Alleluia, Gospel, and Prayer of the Faithful. They come back into the church at the Preparation of the Gifts.
Adults, Parents, Grandparents, and teens are invited to join a team as a Leader or Adult/Teen helper.
If you would like to volunteer as a leader or want more information, please contact Jeanne Mooney at (585) 586-8089 ext. 116 or email [email protected]
At St. Joseph's Church:
Liturgy of the Word is held weekly at the 9:30 AM Sunday Mass